Friday, October 21, 2011

My Prayer for Our Children

It saddens me when a person sets out to intentionally harm or murder a child. Our children aren't asked to be born. So why is there so much evil and cruelty toward children?

In Alabama yesterday, a man was put to death by lethal injection for killing his 6 month old son six years ago. Reason? Because he hated...his...wife!! That's right; the man hated his wife. Mr. Christopher Johnson stated he didn't want his wife to sue him for alimony or child support or threaten to have him put in jail. So he struck his 6 month old son in the head several times, laid his whole body on that baby, and put his finger in the mouth and down the throat of Baby Elias until he suffocated. Can you imagine or fathom the pain that baby had to endure before God took him home? As a parent, I cringe at the thought of even inflicting that action on any of my children; especially a 6 month old infant!!! I'll add to this...Mr. Johnson did the right thing for representing himself and requesting the death penalty. He knew he was going to have that option and would not continue to live with himself for murdering his child for selfish and cowardly reasons.

Lord Jesus, my heart cannot compensate the amount of pain that baby had to go through or what his mother had to bear with. I don't have enough tears to give my sympathy to Elias' mother for finding her baby boy's body cold and unresponsive. God I ask that you continue to comfort Elias' mother. And also God, I ask for You to guard our children. They're innocence is more precious than we could ever appreciate. In the Holy Name of Jesus, I pray....

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