Friday, October 21, 2011

Death of an Innocent Child

A 2-year old from China was hit twice by two different vehicles and left dying in the street. A woman finally comes by and picks the child up to move her on a heap of something to wait for help. The saddest thing about this is that 18 people walked or rode by that little angel while she bled. Taken to the hospital and placed in intensive care, a week after the incident, she dies. This didn't happen to a dog or another Chinese adult, but a 2 year old baby!

My first question when I heard about this was "where was the child's mother?" "Why is a 2 year old walking around a marketplace unsupervised?" I know customs of life are different from country to country, but a 2 year old baby???!!! Where's the justice, morality, dignity and humanity???!!!

You can say what you want, but here's the reality: people today have no morals or a care for anything or anybody other than themselves. It is sickening to my stomach to see the video of that poor baby being run over and then neglected by passers-by! It doesn't matter if it didn't happen here in the happened!!!

A nation without God is a nation without love. Slowly but surely, every day that passes, more love is forgotten and not practiced because there's slowly but surley, there's a decline on the love for God regardless of the amount of love He gives to us.

Jesus, in the name of your Father, have mercy on our souls and hold on to that precious little angel that was served her purpose You set forth to teach us. And that is to start recognizing, acknowleding, and appreciating Your unconditional love for us and to start loving You more and more each day.

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