Since George Washington was the first president of America's history, we as a nation had continued to have the same as the Head of State. When the historical election of Barack Obama becoming president, notice the tensions amongst every race and culture here. White men seeking to assassinate him for what reason? Not because they don't like his proposed policies, but because they specifically state they don't want a black man running this country. Then, there's the formation of the Tea Party. Say what you want, but this version of the Tea Party is nothing like the historic Boston Tea Party. No...this Tea Party formed so erratically and quickly that their only mission was to stand against everything President Obama set forth. Never in the history of presidents did a fellow congressman yell out "You lie!" to the president during a national, live, presidential address on television. Remember the election night? President Obama and his family had to walk out in bulletproof glass upon learning he was elected into office! Remember when John McCain lost? His supporters booed when McCain congratualted his opponent! What is with the signs that says "Go back to Africa?" Obama wasn't born in Africa!
Then the stall to raise the debt ceiling. Hmmm...why was it when former presidents proposed the same thing (Regan and both Bushes) there was not conflict of interest and the votes went through? I've never seen in my life a bunch of people hell bent on making one man fail as a president in this country as with Obama. Yes, former presidents were assassinated; true. Why? It was always something connected to helping the poor or seeking to improve the way of life for the non-whites.
Just remember, people...without congress, the president can do nothing. He's tried his best to get along on a bi-partisanship attitude even with some of his own democrats turning against him. So enough with the, "he's not fulfilling his promises"! Besides Bill Clinton, who in the presidential history of the United States have been able to successfully keep their promises as a politician without the support of the congressional leaders? I guess many of y'all won't be happy until everyone is in the poor house.
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